في مقالنا الكثير من الباقات المتنوعة والرائعة المكتوبة باللغة الإنكليزية مترجمة وغير مترجمة خاصة ليوم ميلاد الأم فهي أغلى ما في الوجود، ونور الحياة وبركتها.
رسائل عيد ميلاد الأم بالإنجليزي
- Mom, throughout the life your valuable advices have led me safely. Your words are my guidance and your love is the most precious item to me. Now, this is the opportunity to thank you for everything you did for me. Happy birthday.
- طوال الحياة، نصائحكِ القيمة قادتني بأمان. كلماتكِ هي توجيهي وحبكِ هو الشيء الأثمن بالنسبة لي، الآن هذه فرصتي لأشكركِ على كل ما فعلته من أجلي. عيد ميلاد سعيد امي.
- Every mom is special, but trust me there is no other mom who can be compared to your qualities and abilities. On this special day, I want to thank you and wish happy birthday.
- كل أم خاصة، لكن صدقيني لا يوجد أم أخرى يمكن مقارنة صفاتكِ وقدراتكِ بها، في هذا اليوم الخاص، أرغب في أن أشكركِ وأتمنى عيد ميلاد سعيد لك.
- Mom, you are my angel darling. My heartfelt greetings to you on this special day. Happy Birthday, mom.
- ملاكي العزيزة، تحية من القلب لكِ في هذا اليوم المميز، عيد ميلاد سعيد، أمي.
- Mom, I want to tell you that every year I crown you with the “Best Mother of the Year” award، There is no one who can come even closer to your winning ways. Happy Birthday to my great mom.
- أرغب في أن أخبركِ أنني أتوجكِ بجائزة أفضل أم في السنة في كل عام، ليس هناك أحد يمكنه أن يقترب من طريق الفوز غيرك، عيد ميلاد سعيد أمي العظيمة.
- Mom, you are my strength that always helps me to fight me against all odds of my life. I love you so much. Happy Birthday, mom.
- أيا قوتي التي تساعدني دائمًا على مواجهة جميع صعوبات حياتي، أحبكِ كثيرًا وعيد ميلاد سعيد امي.
- Mom, there is no other person who can take the place of yours in my heart. I’m so lucky that I’ve found the best mother in this entire world. You’ll always remain as the number one mom to me, no matter how far I’m from you.
- لا يوجد شخص آخر يستطيع أن يحل محلكِ في قلبي، أنا محظوظ جدًا لأنني وجدت أفضل أم في هذا العالم بأكمله، ستظلين دائمًا أمي الأولى بالنسبة لي، بغض النظر عن مدى بُعدي عنكِ امي الغالية.
- Every morning when I wake up, I always thank you. Your perfect supervision, your heart, your love and your warmth have given me a lot. You are the one who loves me unconditionally. You are always my lovely mom, wishing you a happy birthday.
- امي كل صباح عندما أستيقظ، أشكركِ دائمًا، إشرافكِ المثالي، قلبكِ، حبكِ ودفئكِ أعطوني الكثير، أنتِ الشخص الذي يحبني بلا قيود، أنتِ دائمًا أمي الغالية، أتمنى عيد ميلاد سعيد عليك.
- Mama, all I want that I could grow up like you in the future. I wish you a happy birthday and it’s all your guidance for which I have become the person I’m now.
- كل ما أرغب فيه هو أن أكبر مثلكِ في المستقبل. أتمنى لكِ عيد ميلاد سعيد، وكل ما أنا عليه الآن هو بفضل إرشاداتكِ امي الغالية.
تهنئة عيد ميلاد أمي بالإنجليزي مترجمة
- Every year I wait for this day. You are so special to me that your presence in my life is bigger than everything else. Happy birthday, mom.
- أنتِ السبب الذي جعل هذا العالم الجميل يصبح مرئيًا بالنسبة لي. أنتِ السيدة الأكثر خاصية بالنسبة لي، استمتعي بعيد ميلادكِ.
- On this day the best angel from the heaven was born in this world and later she became my lovely mom. I’m so grateful to you. Happy birthday, mama.
- بهذا اليوم، ولدت أفضل ملاك من السماء في هذا العالم، وبعدها أصبحتِ أمي الحبيبة، أنا ممتن جدًا لكِ، عيد ميلاد سعيد ماما الغالية.
- Mama, I want to thank you for keeping the belief in my ability. When everyone else had given up, you were the only person to guide me all the way. Have a terrific birthday.
- أرغب في أن أشكركِ على الإيمان بقدراتي، عندما أخذ الجميع يتخلى عني، كنتِ الشخص الوحيد الذي يرشدني طوال الطريق. أتمنى لكِ عيد ميلاد رائع ماما.
- You are most special person in my life. I love you from the deepest core of my heart. Have a gorgeous, happy birthday.
- أنتِ الشخص الأكثر خاصية في حياتي. أحبكِ من أعماق قلبي. أتمنى لكِ عيد ميلاد جميل وسعيد.
- Mama, you are the reason for whom this beautiful world has become visible to me. You are the most special lady to me. Enjoy your birthday.
- أنتِ السبب الذي جعل هذا العالم الجميل يصبح مرئيًا بالنسبة لي، أنتِ السيدة الأكثر خاصية بالنسبة لي، استمتعي بعيد ميلادكِ ماما.
تهنئة للأم في عيد ميلادها بالإنجليزية
- My amazing mother, your birthday deserves all the amazing colors of celebration. You are the best mother in all the land.
- The woman who taught me everything and helped me to grow up and whom I love most is only you – mama. Happy birthday and thanks always.
- You have taken care of me since I was born in this beautiful world. Today it’s my turn to take care of you. Happy birthday.
- I wish this wonderful day becomes the best day ever in your life. Have fun. Happy birthday, mom.
- Mom, your simple smile is enough for me to find great inspirations. I love you. Happy birthday.
- Make a wish and say Happy Birthday, inspire yourself reading our quotes.
- Mama, you are working for happiness since we were born. Now, it’s your birthday. Put your works aside and take the day off. No one else deserves it more. Happy birthday.
- The love and caring I got in all these years were wonderful. I’m very grateful to you, mom. Wishing you a very happy birthday.
- Mom, I want to thank you for giving all the cares and love for me throughout my life. Have a nice birthday.
- Mama, take my heartiest gratitude on your special day. I love you. Happy birthday.
- You are the sweetest, loveliest and most beautiful person I’ve ever meet in my entire life. Love you mom. Happy birthday.
- The 100 Happy Birthday Quotes that will inspire you and make you happy.
- For you my every day feels like a special day. So, I want to make your this birthday with all gorgeous gifts I could ever bring you. It is absolutely your day and I wish you’ll enjoy a lot. Happy birthday.
- My hearts store is filled with your blessings. There is no such gift that can be enough as a gift on your birthday. Happy birthday, mama.
- All the wonderful celebrations are waiting for you, because it’s the birthday of the most beautiful lady in this entire universe. Love you mom, happy birthday.
- I want to wish the most dazzling and greatest mom a very happy birthday. Love you mama.
رسائل عيد ميلاد أمي بالإنجليزي
- Mom, I kept all your love in my heart and they have blossomed in my heart today. Wish you a happy birthday.
- When I’m sending you this birthday message, my heart is feeling up with absolute happiness and joy. Happy birthday, mama.
- Mom, though your child has now grown up, but I want to remain as your kid forever. Happy birthday mom.
- You are the reason for whom I’m the happiest person in the world and I know all this happiness has come from you. Be happy today.
- My heart is playing a happy tune to celebrate your special day today. Happy birthday, mom.
- No one else has the biggest heart in this world. Thank you for keeping me in that heart for these years. Happy birthday.
- Mom, you have the most attractive eyes and beautiful smile in the world. Have a wonderful birthday.
- On this day, I want to congratulate the woman who has everything good in her. Happy birthday.
- Mom, you are great. Thanks for all the milks and cookies. I love you. Happy birthday.
- Wishing you all the good things in this world, on this special day. Happy birthday, mama.
- I want to wish you the blue skies, sunshine, rainbow and chirping birds this morning and every morning.
- Thanks for all the cakes and ice creams you offered me for the years. Today it’s my turn. Happy birthday.
- Mom, you hugged me every time I was down. Let me hug and kiss you on this remarkable day. Happy birthday, mom.
- Today you won’t let any worry, bother your celebrations. Just have the best day of your life. Love you mama.
- Mom, you are the greatest cook in the world. Now it’s time for us to celebrate that cook’s birthday with her most favorite cake. Happy birthday.
- I’m thinking of you today. Open the inbox of your heart and receive all my kisses and love.
- All the happiness belongs to me, because I’ve a mother like you. Have a day full of happiness and blessings. Happy birthday.
- You inspired me in every moment and every day of my life. Without you I would have been lost. I love you so much mom. Happy birthday.
- All my achievements seem little when I see you around me. You are the best thing all I ever had. Happy birthday, mama.
- Mom, I’m hoping that you have a delicious and a great cake on this day as the ones you made on our birthdays. Happy birthday.
- I can remember all the love candies, chocolates and cakes you gifted me on my birthdays. I want to wish you a happy birthday with lots of love and these lovely candies. Happy birthday.
- Mama, please keep in mind that I love you so much. I’m wishing you a gorgeous and colorful birthday.
- I’m sending this birthday message to the best-looking, extraordinary and understanding mom in the world. Love you, mom.
- I believe that you are the best parent in the world. I love you and happy birthday, mama.
- Please put this party hat on your head and take this cake from me, it’s made with lots of love. Happy birthday, mom.
- I can’t think of a better woman in my life. You are my lovely mother and I love you. Happy birthday.
- Your presence in my life has made it special and I’m sending you this amazing cake with lots of love and kiss. Happy birthday, mom.
عبارات لأمي بعيد ميلادها بالإنكليزية
- You are the biggest star in my sky that sparkles. You are the most gorgeous angel that has such beautiful wings. You are my sweetest mother. Happy birthday, mom.
- Mom, you are the woman for whom what I’m now and tomorrow if I become something better than earlier still you’ll remain as the reason for that success. Wishing that woman a very happy birthday.
- On this special day I want wish the most amazing woman and my best friend – happy birthday. Enjoy your day.
- No matter how far I’m from you, my heart still feels the same when it’s your special day. Missing you mama. Happy birthday.
- Mom, can you remember all the delicious pizza parties we had in our old days? I’m going to arrange one today for the most special person in my life. Happy birthday mom.
- Every year my heart crowns you with the “best mom” award. Have a wonderful birthday, mom.
- When I don’t see you, I think of you. They make me feel loved and I want to wish you, happy birthday, my gorgeous mama.
- Thank you mom for keeping trust on my ability. You are the only person who had faith in me. You are the reason for all my success. Happy birthday.
- Even I’m grown up now, but still I need your warm hug to make everything right again. I’m wishing you a happy birthday with my warm heart.
- I can’t express to you that how amazing mother you are. All my happiness has become possible only for you, mom. Happy birthday.
- Mom, it’s your birthday. I wish all the best things belong to you because you are one of the best people in the world and you deserve the best. Happy birthday.
- Mom you spent your time, energy, care and love for me. Now I’m grown up. I’ve found some valuable wealth like family, friendship, honor, love and respect. I’m so grateful for them.
أجمل رسائل عيد ميلاد للأم
- Mom, you always tried more than your ability to help and guide me throughout your life. No one would be such kind and loving to me in the world. Happy birthday.
- Because of you, I’ve found my lost belief in me. Without it would have been almost impossible. Happy birthday, mom.
- Mom, I’m so honored to be your child. It’s more than blessing for me to have you as my lovely mother. Happy birthday.
- Wishing you a happy birthday, mom. The blessings of God may remain with you always.
- Mom, you gifted me this life and filled it with lots of love, care and happiness. No one is luckier than me. Happy birthday.
- I believe that behind every successful man or woman there is always mother like you. Without your presence I would have been nothing. Happy birthday, mom.
- If I want to express my gratitude to you then all the words of this world seem not enough. You deserve something more than that. All I could tell you – happy birthday, mama.
- Though I was less stupid, but your love did not stop raining over me for that. I’m so lucky to find the most amazing woman in the world as my mother. Happy birthday.
- You are just not only my mother. You are my best teacher, friend, guide and so on. You gave me your every part to make perfect. Have a colorful birthday.
- I wish happy birthday to my best friend I’ve ever had. Happy birthday, mom.
- I want to thank for all the supports you’ve given to me. Now it’s my opportunity to support you. Happy birthday.
معايدات عيد ميلاد الأم بالإنجليزية
- God is so kind that he has blessed me with an amazing mother like you. How fortunate I’m. I’m so glad that I’m passing some great times filled with love, care, wonder, joy and warmth. I’m wishing the best for you on this special day.
- Your limit of loving and caring is sky high. No one can ever come close to that. You may have some flaws, but to me you the most perfect woman in the world. Happy birthday.
- Mom, only for your guidance I’ve successfully made myself more kind and loving person. I’m still waiting for more life lessons from you. Thank you for all these. Happy birthday.
- It’s the birthday of someone who has taught me about love, joy and life. I can only say two sentences for you – “thank you” and “I love you”. Happy birthday, mom.
- The best of everything to me is the chance to celebrate my gorgeous mother’s special day. Happy birthday, mom.
- The only person in this world whom I can trust completely. You are the one who will never let me down whatever the situation is. I hope I’ll get the same opportunity to do something for you. Happy birthday.
- Mom, I always find it amazing to do something for you, even anything impossible task. I love you mom. Happy birthday.
- My childhood memories are still fresh in my mind because they are so special. You have made them such colorful. Thank you for all the memories we shared together throughout our life. Happy birthday, mom.
- Mom, do you know how much I love you? I know that it’s beyond anything you can imagine. Happy birthday, mom. Many more birthdays are yet to come and we’ll celebrate them in many colorful ways.
- Mom, you believe it or not, I never feel alone, because I know you are always with me. I’m really thankful to you and I love you so much. Happy birthday.
تهنئة عيد ميلاد الأم بالإنجليزي
- I just wanted to take the time and say Happy Birthday to my mom. I don’t know where I would be today without her. I love her to death. We don’t always agree on things, we don’t always get along, and we haven’t always had the greatest bond. But at the end of the day that’s my mother & I love her with everything in me, even though I don’t always show it. Thank you for everything mamma and I hope your day is as special as you are.
- Happy Birthday to the best mom ever! She is the true meaning of strength…she is an amazing person and I am the mother I am because of her. (Evan says I know more: p) I am beyond blessed to have her in my life! Love you mom.
- Happy Birthday Wish to my mother! God has blessed our family with our mom! She had done so much for all of us now mom needs to enjoy life. Thank you Lord each day mom is with us.
- Happy birthday to my mom and thank you for everything you’ve done for me and my kids. I don’t know what I’d do without you. Thank you for teaching me to be respectful and caring adults. I couldn’t do it without you.
- Happy Birthday to the most amazing woman in my life. I love you mom, and thank you for always having my back and believing in everything I do. I don’t know where I would be without you.
- Do you believe in miracles? I do, because having you in my life certainly seems like a miracle every single day. I love you mom. Happy Birthday.
- Even when I don’t see you, the thought of you makes me feel loved. Often, I catch myself doing something right and realize that it was you who taught me to do it. I owe so much to you, Mom! Happy birthday.
- The best son in the world wishes the best mother in the world the best wishes for her birthday. Happy birthday ma.